The unvarnished truth about how to save your stuff when a clothes moth infestation is definitely already happening.

The unvarnished truth about how to save your stuff when a clothes moth infestation is definitely already happening.
Yarn running amok? Tights looking rough? Great! Keep your balls of yarn tidy in the toes of a pair of (clean) old tights!
Due to the unscheduled post-trip death of my beloved laptop—and the subsequent acquisition of the MASSIVE 27" iMac desktop and iPad Mini that replaced it—my studio space is currently undergoing an expansion and complete reorganization. Yesterday, I tackled my out-of-control yarn stash. (Read: I wound everything and I emptied all of the bags that I …
I’m getting ready to trek into Times Square for the last day of VOGUEknitting Live New York! Since I just got back from CHA, I’m already feeling a little bit of trade show overload, so I spent most of yesterday wandering the marketplace floor and stopping to chat whenever I saw someone I knew. The …