The unvarnished truth about how to save your stuff when a clothes moth infestation is definitely already happening.

The unvarnished truth about how to save your stuff when a clothes moth infestation is definitely already happening.
Today, I set up my cat-based craft supply security system. Never fear, yarn and fabric—you’re in good paws! How do you keep your cat supplies safe? Photo evidence encouraged!
Yesterday, I got the panic. The OMG-the-Emmys-are-really-frickin’-soon panic. There was really only one solution: I needed fabric, yarn, handles, lining, zippers, and a plan, and I needed them IMMEDIATELY. Of course, I did what any woman in my position would do. I headed directly to Mood Fabrics and Purl Soho, grabbed the first employee I …
Right now, I’m in Michigan for a few days visiting family. I’m so rarely around that, whenever I am, it isn’t unusual for someone to slip me stack of handkerchiefs made by my great grandmother, or a neat pin discovered in a forgotten drawer. Even so, yesterday was a red-letter day: I inherited my mom’s …