Yarn running amok? Tights looking rough? Great! Keep your balls of yarn tidy in the toes of a pair of (clean) old tights!

Yarn running amok? Tights looking rough? Great! Keep your balls of yarn tidy in the toes of a pair of (clean) old tights!
When you’re knitting or crocheting in the real world (read: with all manor of kids, pets, co-workers, friends, and spouses underfoot), there are tons of opportunities for things to go terribly, terribly wrong. But, thankfully, they don’t have to. If you’ve ever snapped at your partner for interrupting you in the middle of a row …
When I first started knitting, I made an embarrassingly large number of hats (and mittens and cowls) that I couldn’t even wear when they were finished because the openings didn’t stretch wide enough for me to actually put them on. For a while, I was convinced that I was an utter failure at knitting, because, …
Summer fun comes in tons of shapes, colors, and flavors, but there’s only one rule: when the heat and humidity start to rise, you’ve gotta keep things smart and simple.