Thread Heaven: A magical thread and embroidery floss conditioner that is solely responsible for saving both my hands and my sanity. (With a how-to video!)

Thread Heaven: A magical thread and embroidery floss conditioner that is solely responsible for saving both my hands and my sanity. (With a how-to video!)
Thread snips--also called thread nippers, thread clippers, and thread cutters--are-handy little scissors to have in your craft room. Here's how to use them!
This week, I learned that, if you have a razor blade and some patience, you totally can dust for fingerprints with powder scraped from tailor’s chalk. (Actually, I used a razor-edge seam ripper, but same difference.) I also learned that I’m friends with exactly the right people, as none of them were even remotely surprised …
What do huge hunks of metal need more than anything else in the world? Cozies. (Obviously.) Solution: My crocheted metal washer pattern weights tutorial!