Thread snips--also called thread nippers, thread clippers, and thread cutters--are-handy little scissors to have in your craft room. Here's how to use them!

Thread snips--also called thread nippers, thread clippers, and thread cutters--are-handy little scissors to have in your craft room. Here's how to use them!
How long has it been since you've cleaned and oiled your scissors? (Hint: If you can't remember, it's been way too long!)
I am absolutely in love with my new set of Gingher Designer Series Scissors. Now, before you say anything, yes, the flowers are pink. And, while it’s true that I could spend hours and hours ranting about how much I hate pink sewing tools, I like these scissors anyway. I mean, how could I not? …
Sometimes, a girl just needs to line up her favorite scissors and gaze at them lovingly, know what I mean?