Combine a beautiful glass bottle with a pair thrift store glasses to make a fun Hitchhiker’s Guide-inspired drink set!

Recycle and Upcycle
Combine a beautiful glass bottle with a pair thrift store glasses to make a fun Hitchhiker’s Guide-inspired drink set!
Turn your empty spice jars into mini moss terrariums with this fun, simple Earth Week project. Tiny terrariums are the perfect way to green up your home decor, and they also make great recycled gifts! Supplies:* Spice jars, cleaned and dried* Fresh moss or Dehydrated live terrarium moss, soaked per package instructions* Dried moss* Polished …
Last Wednesday, I was crossing the street and didn’t notice that a misshapen piece of metal was lying in the crosswalk ahead of me. Of course, I stepped on it, causing it to swing around and slice a clean, angular hole in the top of one of my brand new TOMS. (Ugh.) So, since I …
Are you crafty and on the move? Protect your stitches from stains and snags with an upcycled keyboard embroidery hoop sleeve. Check out my tutorial in this week’s Geek Crafts column on FaveCrafts! Geek Crafts: Keyboard Embroidery Hoop Sleeve Welcome to the Geek Crafts column, your weekly dose of geeky goodness with Haley Pierson-Cox from …