I’m leaving for Hawaii tomorrow. (Whoo!) So, of course, I’m making my own vacation wardrobe. Behold, the first finished piece: the typewriter dress. Fingers crossed that I get a chance to finish the second dress and skirt before morning!

I’m leaving for Hawaii tomorrow. (Whoo!) So, of course, I’m making my own vacation wardrobe. Behold, the first finished piece: the typewriter dress. Fingers crossed that I get a chance to finish the second dress and skirt before morning!
The TARDIS and Tin Tin As you may have gathered from my iPhone case cross-stitch pattern, I’m kind of into the TARDIS right now. So, after my first Doctor Who-related costume ideas fell flat—I was going to be the Doctor a la Davit Tennant, but, alas, couldn’t find a boys brown suit—I decided to continue …
I know my Emmy dress looks a little wedding dress-tastic right now, but that’s pretty unavoidable when you’re working with unbleached muslin! (Also, please ignore the deflated boobs. I decided not to put a padded bra on the dress form just for the photo shoot.) For the actual dress, I’ve settled on a navy faux …
Jersey Tank Tutorial from Notions and Non-Stick Image care of http://notionsandnonstick.com/ I sense a trip to Mood coming on! (What? There are lots of things I can make with a giant stack of jersey prints.) The Elastic-Waist Flirt Skirt from Growing Home Photo care of http://www.mygrowinghome.com/ Maybe it’s just me, but I find comfy skirts …