Our entire apartment smells like deep-fried right now, but I’m not sorry.

Our entire apartment smells like deep-fried right now, but I’m not sorry.
For me, breakfast is such an important meal that I sometimes eat it twice. (Seriously. If I go to the gym in the morning, I eat first breakfast when I wake up, then second breakfast before I head into the office.) Not only does eating breakfast kick start your metabolism for the day, if you …
Do you know what Sunday is? That’s right, it’s waffle day! And I love waffles! 9BTWSKSACZU2 (Look, Technorati, I’m real!)
I am on a waffle kick. Delicious waffles. Giant waffles. Vegan waffles. FEED ME WAFFLES!! (Mwahahaha.) This newfound obsession may well revolutionize my brunch plans and dinner party ideas for a long time to come, but, for now, I just want to eat as many as I possibly can. Every week, Jeremy and I have …