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Tag: credit card case

This Post Will Save You Money | Red-Handled Scissors

This Post Will Save You Money

Or, at the very least, it will provide some comic relief to the people standing in line behind you while you desperately try to extract your credit card from the pouch you’ve voluntarily sewn it into. So, to all of you wanna-be frugals in the house, I present the finished credit card cover from yesterday’s …

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Thrifty "Emergencies Only" Credit Card Cover | Red-Handled Scissors

Thrifty “Emergencies Only” Credit Card Cover

You can’t pull out your credit card for that overpriced latte if you can’t get to it, right? Card Holder Embroidery I first got the idea to sew my credit card into a piece of fabric from Indie Fixx, and it immediately struck me as a great way to keep from pulling out the plastic …

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