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Tag: cat applique

The Inspiration Behind the Cat Applique | Red-Handled Scissors

The Inspiration Behind the Cat Applique

In case you were wondering what the real Frankie-the-cat looks like, here he is in all his awkward kitty-on-the-potty glory! My applique is a pretty good likeness, don’t you think?

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Mother's Day Hand-Stitched Cat Applique Bag | Red-Handled Scissors

Mother’s Day Hand-Stitched Cat Applique Bag

For Mother’s Day, I made my mom a hand-stitchd cat applique bag inspired by Frankie, her kitty. I used a photo of Frankie to make a multi-layer stencil, then cut pieces of vegan felt to match his facial patterns. I attached each colored section to the base layer with dots of fabric glue, then hand-stitched …

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