Utterly helpless in the presence of beautiful sewing tools and notions, I am madly in love with pretty much everything made by British sewing company Merchant & Mills.
On the off chance that you’re a sewer and aren’t already acquainted with their simple, old-timey goodness, I feel that it’s my duty as a craft writer to introduce you to a few of my favorite items. Should the photos below spur any unplanned purchases, please accept my sincerest apologies. (Actually, who am I kidding? We both know that I’m not sorry.)

• REDS – Extra Sharp 10" TAILOR SHEARS

Wait. Isn’t the attraction just the result of clever packaging combined with vintage-looking items?
Sure, probably. But, that’s okay. I love that the Merchant & Mills products bring to mind my great grandma’s sewing box, skills passed down through generations, and an echo of a time when things weren’t so disposable. And, since simple, sturdy elegance is exactly what I’m looking for when it comes to tools and notions—and Merchant & Mills sure does seem to deliver in that respect—I think I can overlook the brilliant marketing plan. You know, just this once.
Are you smitten too? Check out the rest of the products at the Merchant & Mills online shop. (I’ve already picked up the sewing book, plus a box of lovely glass-headed pins and a book of needles—two of which are pictured at the top of this post—and I’ve been very pleased with the quality thus far.)
If you live in NYC—or just want to order in the USA—Purl Soho also has many of the Merchant & Mills products in their store and on their website. (That’s where I got mine.)
Totally joining you in the crush fest! I checked out their website after you told me about their sewing needles. I just want all their beautiful tools and postcards!
I love the postcards too! Sadly, I haven’t seen any of those at my local fabric shop yet.
zomg. I’m in love with the tiny needle box- you had me at vintage style packaging, I’m a complete sucker for it!
Someday, I definitely need to show you my needle case collection. I never could resist a good container!
oooh I have a bunch of vintage paper packs of needles- some of the graphics are a trip. Always love stumbling across grandma’s old sewing tin at yardsales just so I can find more ;-)
Well then. I am in love, way beyond a crush, with Merchant and Mills. Their cloth is lovely and reasonably priced. The supplies are so awesome. Despite owning enough fabric and supplies to exceed my life expectancy, I am pretty sure I need more stuff, and the sooner the better. Love love love. Thanks!
Oh, come now. Everybody needs at least a little more fabric! ;)
Wonderful finds! I’ve made several pendants from my moms old wooden needle cases.