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Tag: vertical gardens

Friday Internet Crushes: Green With (Vertical Garden) Envy | Red-Handled Scissors

Friday Internet Crushes: Green With (Vertical Garden) Envy

Photo care of http://greeninemotion.blogspot.com/ I think that bathrooms are the ideal place in a home for an indoor garden, assuming you’re lucky enough to have a southern exposure.  My tiny bathroom with no ventilation definitely has enough humidity to sustain a whole colony of air plants/ferns/moss. Too bad it’s a windowless cave that completely fails …

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Friday Internet Crushes: There's No Place Like Home | Red-Handled Scissors

Friday Internet Crushes: There’s No Place Like Home

Urban Indoor Vertical Garden (Photo care of http://www.nytimes.com) I long to have this kind of space for indoor gardening in the city (not to mention the south-facing windows that must be on the other side of the photo)! I’m pretty sure I could make a whole wall garden out of basil and catnip. That would …

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