My TARDIS-inspired cross-stitch iPhone case was featured in Australian Homespun Magazine! Say what you will about digital, there’s still no substitute for the amazing feeling that comes from seeing your work in print.

My TARDIS-inspired cross-stitch iPhone case was featured in Australian Homespun Magazine! Say what you will about digital, there’s still no substitute for the amazing feeling that comes from seeing your work in print.
Geek crafts get a little more grown up with my new Doctor Who-inspired [not quite] Tessellating TARDIS iPhone Case Cross-Stitch Pattern with printable PDF template! My new design is much subtler than my original TARDIS-inspired iPhone case cross-stitch pattern, and I’m definitely loving the results. It’s such a crisp, clean way to display my Whovian …
TARDIS iPhone case from TZoM reader Ms. Stitcher! A few days ago, I got a very sweet comment on my TARDIS iPhone Case Cross-Stitch Pattern post from Rebecca over at Ms. Stitcher, letting me know that she’d used the pattern to make her own TARDIS iPhone case, and that she’d posted a photo on her …
I’ve been on a huge Doctor Who kick lately. So, when I ordered my new iPhone a few weeks ago, I knew that I needed to make a seriously geeky case to celebrate my love for both David Tennant and my shiny new phone. So, I did what any reasonable girl would do: I bought …