Designing patterns by hand in front of the wood burning stove + waking up to snow + antique shopping + sipping cocktails. Vermont Thanksgivings are the best, you guys! How was your weekend?

Designing patterns by hand in front of the wood burning stove + waking up to snow + antique shopping + sipping cocktails. Vermont Thanksgivings are the best, you guys! How was your weekend?
Is it just me, or does Vermont really know how to get crafty? Here are a few of my favorite photos from a beautiful and fun-filled Labor Day weekend spent with family and friends in Brattleboro, VT.
It was a yard game kind of day, so the boys spent the afternoon building boards, and with the help of my friend Michelle, I held up my end of the deal by sewing eight corn-filled beanbags (cornbags?). As a result, many rousing games of Cornhole were played, and much laughter and swearing could be …
It was downright disgusting in NYC today. (That is, until it mysteriously dropped 30 degrees this afternoon.) Silly me, I decided to spend most of a heat advisory day in the kitchen. I have granola, vegan vegetable “beef” stew, two loaves of bread, and a vat of chickpeas to show for my trouble, but, the …